May 1, 2016
The sermon was delivered on Sunday, May 1, 2016, at All SoulsUnitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar,Senior Minister.
Is there a goodness of life that is bestowed on us regardless ofwhether or not we deserve it? In traditional theological languagethis would be called “grace.” It is said that there is a goodnessthat is granted to us solely to the degree that we have thecapacity to receive it. If that is true, then a realistic goalwould be to remove the barriers and obstacles that get in the wayof our receiving such free gifts. Through the course of life weaccumulate various barriers to life’s goodness. Yet, if people canexperience the goodness of life without earning it, why wouldn’tthat encourage people to be selfish or bad? Good things happen tobad people and since we all are bad sometimes, this is good news!Sunday, as we launch our new theme of “Gifts and Grace” I willspeak in the Traditional Service and The Point about the idea ofunmerited gifts, that like the sun, are received by the therighteous and the unrighteous alike.
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