Nov 23, 2015
The homily was delivered on Sunday, November 22, 2015, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Rev. Barbara Prose, Executive Director of Ministry.
All Souls will held one combined service at 10:30 a.m. with music from many of our different choirs (Children’s, Youth, Cherubs, New Dimensions and the Adult Choirs will all participate). Children were asked to bring fruits or vegetables to add to our cornucopia in the front of the sanctuary. All of the food was donated to those in need in our city. A few times a year, all three distinct Sunday services join together in a single unforgettable celebration. Our theme this year: Turning the Tables.
The Sunday before Thanksgiving is one of the four times a year when we offer a communion service (in the style of our partner church in Europe). The ritual was conducted in the small chapel immediately following the main service and was open to everyone.
All Souls Church Website: