Nov 10, 2013
The sermon was delivered on Sunday, November 10, 2013, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Dr. Miguel A. De La Torre, Guest Minister.
This Sunday at All Souls we will have 60 Unitarian Universalist ministers and lay-leaders from around the United States, visiting our congregation as part of a national conference we are hosting on “Building Vital Multicultural and Multiracial Congregations.”
Today’s sermon is presented by Dr. Miguel De La Torre, an author of many published works, a passionate speaker, and a subject-matter expert on such hot topics as religious and social ethics, theology, immigration, sexuality, and reconciliation.
Dr. De La Torre is Professor of Social Ethics, Iliff School of Theology. He specializes in ethics within contemporary U.S. thought, specifically how religion affects race, class, and gender oppression.
He is the author of ‘Genesis: A Theological Commentary on the Bible’ (WJK, 2012); ‘The Quest for the Historical Satan’ (co-authored, 2011); ‘Liberating Jonah: Toward a Biblical Ethics of Reconciliation’ (Orbis Books, 2007); ‘Lily Among the Thorns: Imagining a New Christian Sexuality’ (Jossey-Bass, 2007); ‘Doing Christian Ethics from the Margins’ (Orbis Books, 2004). De La Torre has also edited the ‘Encyclopedia on Hispanic American Religious Culture,’ a 2-volume set (ABC-CLIO, 2009), and is the series editor for the 12-volume ‘Latino/a Religious Thought for the New Millennium’ (Baylor University Press).
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