Jun 12, 2016
The sermon was delivered on Sunday, June 12, 2016, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Rev. Barbara Prose, Executive Director of Ministry.
New York Times journalist, Wesley Morris called him, “the most important political-cultural figure to survive the deadly tumult of the 1960s and flourish in the 1970s.” Muhammed Ali’s beliefs transfixed and polarized our country thirty years before the Black Lives Matter movement. Ali is the personification of courage. Words like radical, truth, fame and, risk describe the complicated and contradictory man who turned boxing into a referendum on the state of the country. Born Cassius Clay during the Jim Crow era in Louisville, Kentucky, he learned to box after his red Schwinn bicycle was stolen at the age of twelve. At 22, Ali won his first heavyweight title. Join us this Sunday as we explore what his life has to tell and teach us about courage today.
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