May 22, 2016
The homily was delivered on Sunday, May 22, 2016, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Rev. David Ruffin, Assistant Minister.
“Unfurl yourself into the grace of new beginning. That is at one with your life’s desire… For your soul senses the world that awaits you.” —John O’Donohue
What is possible when we truly, fully receive the gift of Grace? What power do we release in our lives? What does it look like to not just have faith that grace will be there when we most need it (i.e. when our normal control mechanisms fail us) but to surrender to it, opening ourselves to receive and follow the flow of grace, each and every day?! The promise of grace - the unearned, unconditional love and beauty, and “right here, right now,” goodness of life, is the promise of the possibility of freedom from fear. Not freedom from vulnerability or heartbreak. But true freedom from ultimate fear. Can you let this promise give birth to you anew? What are you free to be and do with this one wild beautiful life of yours?
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