Mar 13, 2016
The sermon was delivered on Sunday, March 13, 2016, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Rev. David Ruffin, Assistant Minister.
Our tradition long ago rejected the idea that God, being all knowing and all powerful, had pre-destined some to be saved (the elect) and pre-destined others… not to be. “Where does human agency come into that equation?!” said early Unitarians. And yet, nowadays, here at All Souls, we tell EVERYBODY that they’re included in God’s love. Or, in other words, we tell everyone that they’re already saved! But then… what role does our human agency play in that?! Instead of engaging with the age old debate - are we saved by faith alone or by works alone, let’s make it personal. What is saving YOU, right now? And what role do you play in being saved, and even saving others? See you in church!
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