Jan 22, 2017
The sermon was delivered on Sunday, January 22, 2017, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar, Senior Minister.
This month we are exploring creation as our theme. We are not just beings who are created, but we are also creators ourselves. Life can be thought of as a process of evolution, of creation and re-creation. Our ability to create something new is a defining quality of our humanness. It is what makes us different from other creatures. From certain theological perspectives, our ability to be creative makes us like God. From a purely scientific view, it makes us intelligent agents of evolution. This Sunday we explored some improvisational creating in worship that allowed us to witness this unique and potentially holy human attribute in action.
Enjoy the musical improvisations of Tavis Minner and Tommy Poole. Dancer and artist Alicia Mosier Chesser joined Rev. Lavanhar for an improvisational performance, and Mia Wright expressed her poetic interpretations.
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