Jun 19, 2016
The message was delivered on Sunday, June 19, 2016, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar, Senior Minister.
The mass shooting in Orlando on Sunday has given way to two visions of America. Many of us have heard what the pundits and politicians are saying. We are seeing how the ties that bind a nation of people from all nations can be shredded. The question before people of goodwill is "What does love call us to do?" This question cannot be divorced from "What does common sense call us to do?" or "How do we deal with real threats to our safety and security?" Like a parent's love, the love that binds us, is also a love that fiercely protects us. In this culture of soundbites and slogans, it is time for thoughtful people to look with a deeper lens at the problems before us and to discern the love and loyalties that are most likely to save us. I look forward to contributing to the dialogue and to "putting my thumb on the scale" on behalf of the only America that makes any moral, practical and meaningful sense to me.
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