Nov 14, 2023
The message was delivered on Sunday, November 12, 2023, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar, Senior Minister.
Stories of nations and groups are passed down between the generations and sometimes create seemingly endless conflicts, like we are seeing in Israel and Gaza. In Oklahoma and across the USA, schools and governments are in conflict about how to tell our state and country’s history. How do groups rewrite such stories to come up with a common history that is both true and makes room for a positive future for all?
Perhaps more importantly, what is it about the stories you tell yourself, about yourself and others, that keeps you in perpetual conflicts? Often such stories contain our ideal images of what a person should be. We have conceptions of what a person must be like to be lovable, to be successful, to be powerful or to be good. We also have stories about the ideal spouse or partner or the ideal child and family. These are images we pick up that often get in the way of our seeing the true beauty and holiness in the people we love - and even in ourselves .These stories we have about ourselves and others are "real" and powerful in that they shape our lives and relationships. When we realize they’re destructive - we need to go back and re-author our stories. What is the story you tell yourself about why you do what you do. Is it time to rewrite any parts of your life story? Should you be seeking a ceasefire to end the casualties created by the stories you tell?
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