Jul 21, 2019
The sermon was delivered on Sunday, July 21, 2019, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Yadenee Hailu, Assistant Minister.
This summer I had the honor of co-chairing the Right Relationship Team at General Assembly in Spokane and visiting my family in Ethiopia. My role changed drastically in these two locations, but I found a unique trend that wove the contrasting trips together. I could speak in great lengths about my love of the UU church or my roots in Ethiopia. However that would be much less helpful than the real, vulnerable, gritty, messy, tiring work of honestly engaging one's communities' shadow sides and all. What posture can aid us in maneuvering the inevitable embarrassment of not the 'other' but how our own community acts? Let's unpack our responsibility in holistic engagement with our friends turned foe.
*Music: Booker Gillespie (vocals) & Myron Oliver (saxophone) with David B. Smith (keys), Rick Fortner (piano), Matt Edwards (drums)
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