Nov 17, 2013
The sermon was delivered on Sunday, November 17, 2013, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Minister Carol Thomas Cissel, Resident Minister.
Every now and I then I get good and mad… and stay mad… and wallow around in it for a little while. The other day, while in that frame of mind, I went online and looked up quotes on, “How to deal with anger.” They were all very mushy, cosmic, and woo-woo. Most of them said I needed to get into right relationship with the folks I am mad at, or maybe give my anger up to the Universe.
Yeah, right. I don’t think so.
See, I do not believe there is anything wrong with getting angry or upset. The thing to remember is that anger is a sly, dangerous emotion. It can consume us, and get in the way of our creating full, productive, genuine lives. It can pull us away from others. It can blind us, and stop us from being in touch with our most authentic feelings.
But anger can also propel us to action. It can be our response to what is wrong in the world, and it can motivate us to work for change. There is nothing like a good dose of righteous UU anger, directed well, to offer the proverbial kick in the pants and get things moving forward. As the world rages on, we often rage along with it. There are a plethora of problems and people in this world that regularly tick me – and probably you – OFF.
• No decent bus service between Swan Drive and All Souls • Red light cameras • Liars • Politicians that lack integrity • Stubbing my toe at night, on the corner of the bed… AGAIN!
Problems, big and small, exist. Still, in the midst of them we are called upon to figure a way out of the “red haze of anger.” Come to church this Sunday. Let’s talk about anger.
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